Friday, August 2, 2024

The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy - EARLY EDITION!

It looks like I've found myself a 1979 Edition! Not the first printing, but a first edition!

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1979

Where did I get this book you ask?

The library at the College is in the process of discarding old or undercirculating books. These rejected books are put on a cart outside of the library and should be give a sign, "in need of new home" - like a box full of kittens. I can't help but go through the books, picking them up, admiring them, even petting a few. Most of them I put back, but a few I just can't bear to leave. Some of them I remember reading -that exact book. It seems that I'm the only person in the College who still goes through the literary section and takes out hardcopy books. This discard-cart gets refilled every day or two, which is anxiety inducing to me. What if I miss the initial refill? What books could go to unfit homes? Imagine the old copy of Atlas Shrugged goes to a smoker's house! This random rubbish letting has become a bit of a problem for me. My latest find has made my condition even worse.

A copy of The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Universe! Sitting there on the cart, almost calling me to take it home. I snatched it up with my lightning fast free-book reflexes! I knew it was old, but what I didn't realize was that it was a first (or at least very, very, early edition). Imagine my luck! And to top if off it was free! This is a story I will tell to my great-grandkids.

The best part is the history of this book. It's all right there in on the first page. A due date card!

It looks like this book was first signed out in 1983 and only 25 times since! I can verify from my daily haunts of the library, that that book was always on the shelf. Do you know how many times I considered taking it out, even though I have my own copy at home? At least twice, maybe three times. That's how much this book means to me. 

Remember my previous posts about The Hitch Hikers Guide? The only book I've ever wrote in the margins, on the pages, and all that?

The book gods were looking out the day I passed the reject cart. May you have just as much luck on your next book shopping trip.

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