Friday, June 28, 2024

Robert's Rules of Writing - 101 Unconventional Lessons Every Writer Needs to Know

 Robert's Rules of Writing

- Robert Masello - 

I typically cruise the library on my lunch break. I work at a local college, with a well stocked library only steps from my office, which is a real perk for a bookworm like me. Over the years I've been reading my way through the small section on creative writing, and I've recently ran across this gem. Robert's Rules of Writing.

I have no idea who Robert is. I can tell you, he thinks very highly of himself, and makes it out like he is one of those prolific writers of sit-coms and movies. One of those all-star writers who quietly type away in the background, not looking for fortune or fame, just sharing their gift of writing with the world...okay, after a quick google search I found out this guy is a prolific writer (with 20 good sized books, credits in many television shows, and other journalistic stuff).

Interesting, because I found his 101 tips to be almost common knowledge when it comes to realm of writing tips. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. I'm saying there are only so many 'tips and tricks' you can give out to aspiring writers. I think 101 is the limit. If you've read a few similar books, watched a dozen 'how-to-write' youtube videos, and spent hours looking through writer's memes, you'll have run across most of Robert's tips.

What I found most interesting about the book was the aesthetics. The ripped paper with typewriter font tips was just my style. Along with a few vertical titles and quotes and a different coloured page or two, made this book feel fresh and creative. That added to the tips, at least in my book.

Is this a must have book for writer's or aspiring writers? Sure. It does have lots (101 is a lot of tips) of valid and useful tips. It is at least a good book to read, just for the repetition of common writing ideas and the inspiration it lights in the heart of a writer.

Good job Robert. Sorry, I didn't know who you were.

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