Monday, September 26, 2022


 The Eyes Of The Dragon

- Stephen King -

I've been on a big of a King kick lately. The last year I've read four or five King/Bachman books...and other than that Colorado Kid mystery I liked them all. I even sent him a letter. Like, an actual pen on paper letter. Sent it international mail too - since I live in Canada.

The Eyes of the Dragon is a bit different from the 'horror' I've been reading. It's fantasy. Which is another genre I love. But, what I really enjoyed about this book was the pace. I'll give you a rough timeline to explain what I mean.
I read the first 90% of the book over a few days - at a regular speed.
The last 10% I found myself speed reading and couldn't put the book down until almost 2 am last night.
The final bit of the book is so fast! Chapters get smaller and smaller, down to half a page or sometimes just a paragraph. You are left on a cliffhanger, or with a vital piece of info that you need to continue the plot, solve the mystery, reveal the truth. It's an unbelievably fast ride.

Bring on the next Stephen King book. 

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